This week’s post will be the last of the prompts & practices series. Thanks for reading and reflecting with me on these.

This non-dualistic way of life is probably the most challenging way of life for modern people as we need to unlearn what we have been taught to believe. This “both-and” approach to life requires holding both good and bad, sacred and profane, and life and death.

Practically speaking, learn to hold both positive and negative emotions together without judgment or comments. Learn also to give compassion and the benefit of the doubt to others as both you and others may be right. Learn to find God, yourself, and others amid contradictions, tensions, and uncertainties.



  • Read poetry. While words are inherently dualistic, poetry has the capacity to hold contradictions together without judgment. Invite yourself as the poet (I), the one the poet is addressing (you), or just an observer. Allow yourself to interpret the poetry with your subjective lens.

  • Go to an art museum. Find a painting (or sculpture) or two that resonate with your soul at the time. Ask yourself why you may be drawn to the painting.

  • When you listen to your friend’s story next time or witness an event that catches your eye, try not to rush into judgment. Receive them as they are without needing to correct, confront, or advise.